Tuesday, November 11, 2008

RPK to continue his good work of nation building

Unfazed after being unjustly imprisoned RPK vows to continue his fight

On Friday, High Court judge Justice Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad freed Raja Petra after finding that his two-year detention order under the ISA was unlawful.

When asked if the police had informed him why he was detained, Raja Petra replied they told him it was because he had insulted Islam through an article which demeaned Prophet Muhammad and also because of another article entitled “Let’s send Altantuya’s murderer to hell.”

“The strange thing is, I am already being charged under the Sedition Act for the article on Altantuya, but I was also detained under the ISA for writing it.

“Do they want to charge me or do they want to detain me. I don’t understand.”

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