Thursday, January 28, 2010

First a cow-head, now a pig head

What has all these got to do with religion?

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27 —Pig heads were found at two mosques this morning, the latest in a series of attacks and acts of vandalism on places of worship following the “Allah” controversy.

Mosque officials found what appeared to be two wild boar heads wrapped in plastic bags and surrounded with Ringgit notes around 5.30 am this morning in Masjid Jumhuriyah in Taman Dato Harun and the Al- Imam Tirmizi mosque at Taman Sri Sentosa.

The heads of the wild boars could be construed as attempts to escalate unrest between Muslims and non-Muslims as pigs are considered unclean in Islam and therefore their presence in the mosques, an act of desecration.

PKR vice-president Sivarasa Rasiah who visited both mosques said it looked to him like an organised operation that was an attempt to incite racial tension.

“I am not surprised if the same group that did this is the same group that attacked the churches. This group clearly has political motivations,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

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Church arsonists probably from UMNO

Malaysian Christians are asking for it

Why no action on Al-Islam?

Christians have ulterior motives

JR: So many names to choose, why they have to choose that one??

On the lighter side: Is pork better than Viagra?

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