Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pakatan gets a big boost from Facebook users

Najib's Mega Tower project hands more voters to Pakatan

As the number of Facebook users denouncing Najib's greedy plan to enrich his own people increased to over 100,000, Pakatan Rakyat is quietly planning another triumph as they quietly go about registering all the FB users into voters against BN for the next GE. It has even been described as a "durian runtuh" event for PR as the unexpected surge of support against Najib and BN has risen to unprecedented heights.

Indeed Najib's folly of pretending to invite ideas from the internet users to support his grandiose plan has actually turned against him as more and more Malaysians show their outrage against their very own PM who tried to use them to achieve his own selfish ambitions.

Najib: Anyone can be a Malay in Malaysia (Pakistani, Arabs, Indonesians even) - but no Chinese or Indians please.

Najib: Please die for me if you have to so that I can keep my seat in Putrajaya

Lim Keng Yaik: UMNO GA has shown that BN has lost its original spirit

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