Tuesday, June 28, 2011

All cannot la!

A peaceful rally is the last thing a paranoid Najib wants

Do you want to organize a peaceful rally? Cannot-la... All rallies in Malaysia must be violent. If it is a peaceful rally then it will bring shame to BN because no one wants to join our rallies. Your peaceful rally will attract thousands and of course this is bad PR for BN. Tell you what. If you let UMNO Youth join the rally we can guarantee the rally will be violent (you take the blame-la), then we can have the PR we want! Win-lose situation right? You lose, I win!

Cannot have rally

Cannot read poems

Cannot wear red t-shirts

Perkasa: We can make it violent!

UMNO Youth: We can do the job too!

Suhakam: The people have a right to assemble

Nathaniel Tan: A worried government gripped by paranoia

MarinaM: Is it wrong for Malaysians to assemble peacefully?

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