Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This MCA Lady earns my respect

MCA Wanita chief Kian Sit Har a woman of substance

I have said many bad things about MCA in the past and so I was surprised to read about an MCA Chief, a lady no less, who took part in the recent Bersih rally.

This is what she said when questioned about her involvement in the rally:

"Nowadays, we cannot be neutral. We have to choose between right and wrong. The party may have its stand, but we must take the side of justice. We cannot just follow faithfully if BN or MCA is doing something wrong. If you think something is wrong, then we must voice it out. Right is right, wrong is wrong; we must not be afraid (to speak out)," she said in an interview with Malaysiakini at her Malacca office last week.

She has also reported that Malacca CM Ali Rustam has asked her to resign from her post, and her boss in MCA never backed her up (not surprising, that one).

If only MCA had more people like her to fight for what is right. Don't just fight for the Chinese (that is just too racist) but fight for all Malaysians, ok?

Madam Kian, I take my hat off to you!

Read more

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

UMNO fights back using their butts

UMNO butt squad shows how easy it is to fight off the enemy

No brains? No ideas? Well you can always show your butt off if you run out of things to say or if you run out of ammo I guess. This must be our army's new tactical training in case you run out of ammunition. Show your butt and the enemy will run. Unfortunately they didn't think (or sorry, you are not supposed to think) what would happen if the enemy suddenly offers you a drink.

Now, 1,2,3 bend over ... and watch out for Anwar!

"Melayu telah hilang segala identitinya. Itulah sumbangan terbesar Umno terhadap bangsanya"
No need to use your head, your ass will do (in Malay)

UMNO has found their new secret weapon!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Najib spent USD 3 million to listen to Bersih chants in London

After missing out on Bersih in KL Najib spent USD 3 million to listen to their chants in London's O2

Well if you didn't want to listen to them live in KL, as PM of Malaysia you can always use the people's money to watch them LIVE in London's exclusive O2 arena! PM Najib made full use of his recent trip to London to listen to LIVE demonstration of Bersih by their supporters in London. Knowing very well that since Najib missed their "live performance" in KL, Bersih supporters in London were out in full force to show their appreciation to Najib for spending USD 3 million to help the British economy recover!

Read more

WSJ: Najib spends USD 3 million for London O2 performance

MC: Najib to perform in London O2 while wifey goes shopping (at YOUR expense of course)

Sarawak Report: Najib's self promotion in London

Friday, May 11, 2012

Gerakan to manage UMNO in Penang

Gerakan to unleash Teng Chang Yeow on UMNO

Newly elected Penang state BN chief Teng Chang Yeow, has taken the bull (remember Cow Story?) by the horns by stating that Gerakan will now manage UMNO in Penang. After being totally obliterated during the 2008 political tsunami Teng has vowed to make Gerakan take control of "out-of-control" UMNO and vowed to do the same to MIC and MCA if they ever step out of line.

Well known for his ability to (er..., please fill in the blank for me here) Teng will now make UMNO do what he wants them to do and make sure they do not do anything silly like making funeral arrangements for present Penang CM and stepping on the photo of past chief ministers.

Teng will also ensure that UMNO do not become a racist party and uphold good human rights principles like the rest of the citizens in this country who are able to assemble peacefully despite being assaulted by riot police with tear gas and batons.

Teng will also ensure that no headless chicken, pork or beef will be strewn around religious places e.g. temples and mosques and no fires to be lighted near churches or inside churches using Molotov cocktails.

If UMNO decides to give contracts to spouses of ministers and parliamentarians Teng will rise to the occasion and call for MORE EVEN distribution between the component parties as well as claimed by one of their ex-ministers that "all the other ministers are the same" and so there should be fair distribution to all no matter what party he/she belongs to.

If UMNO decide to elect a new commisioner for the Election Council, Teng will ensure that his past membership record in UMNO will be completely erased from the face of the earth lest that it be discovered by some mischievous souls from PKR.

And if a royal commission or an independent committee is to be formed by someone close to UMNO, Teng will not sleep until he closely vets their relationship to UMNO i.e. check what are the positions they have been given to him/her by UMNO in the past e.g. if they have been given a directorship in Genting and whether the company is "halal"or not.

The people of Penang should now sleep more soundly knowing this invaluable fact.

Read the "true" story

LKS: UMNO at its most disgraceful depth

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Shameful Malaysian Government Gets International Publicity

Najib to answer for assault against Malaysian citizens and press

Malaysians are now calling on their Prime Minister to apologize for the assault on innocent citizens in a peaceful rally held last Saturday.

"Then I saw the photos of the police rolling out the barbed wire and I saw red. Since when did our police, or whoever is their boss, roll out barbed wire - barbed wire!! - against their own people?? Are we thugs? Terrorists? Thieves?" - MarinaMahathir

Malaysiakini: IGP apologizes to press man

Malaysiakini: Razor wire intended to hurt civilians

Amnesty International: Police used brutal tactics against peaceful protesters

WSJ: Malaysian protests casts uncertainty on vote for Najib

WSJ: Najib's reformist image torn to shreds

Protest rattles Najib's confidence

“Our news report was a factual account of events that day, and intrusion in our editorial process is unwarranted. We have not been censored in this way by another distribution platform anywhere in the world.” - Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera decries being censored in Malaysia

BBC to investigate news censorship in Malaysia

Latest: Dr M takes the opportunity to answer for Najib since Najib could not provide a good answer