Wednesday, May 16, 2012

UMNO fights back using their butts

UMNO butt squad shows how easy it is to fight off the enemy

No brains? No ideas? Well you can always show your butt off if you run out of things to say or if you run out of ammo I guess. This must be our army's new tactical training in case you run out of ammunition. Show your butt and the enemy will run. Unfortunately they didn't think (or sorry, you are not supposed to think) what would happen if the enemy suddenly offers you a drink.

Now, 1,2,3 bend over ... and watch out for Anwar!

"Melayu telah hilang segala identitinya. Itulah sumbangan terbesar Umno terhadap bangsanya"
No need to use your head, your ass will do (in Malay)

UMNO has found their new secret weapon!

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